Saturday, July 30, 2022

चाणक्य नीति by Acharya Chanakya

Cover Page

चाणक्य नीति, चाणक्य द्वारा रचित एक नीति ग्रन्थ है। संस्कृत-साहित्य में नीतिपरक ग्रन्थों की कोटि में चाणक्य नीति का महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान है। इसमें सूत्रात्मक शैली में जीवन को सुखमय एवं सफल बनाने के लिए उपयोगी सुझाव दिये गये हैं। इसका मुख्य विषय मानव मात्र को जीवन के प्रत्येक पहलू की व्यावहारिक शिक्षा देना है। इसमें मुख्य रूप से धर्म, संस्कृति, न्याय, शांति, सुशिक्षा एवं सर्वतोन्मुखी मानव जीवन की प्रगति की झाँकियां प्रस्तुत की गई हैं। यह पुस्तक  िहन्दी भाषा में है ।

चाणक्य का जीवन कठोर धरातल पर अनेक विसंगतियों से जूझता हुआ आगे बढ़ा। विष्णुगुप्त चाणक्य एक असाधारण बालक थे। उनके पिता चणक एक शिक्षक थे। वह भी शिक्षक बनना चाहते थे। उन्होंने तक्षशिला विश्वविद्यालय में राजनीति और अर्थशात्र की शिक्षा ग्रहण की। इसके पूर्व वेद, पुराण इत्यादि वैदिक साहित्य का उन्होंने किशोर वय में ही अध्ययन कर लिया था। उनकी कुशाग्र बुद्धि और तार्किकता से उनके साथी तथा शिक्षक भी प्रभावित थे; इसी कारण उन्हें ‘कौटिल्य’ भी कहा जाने लगा। अध्ययन पूरा करने के बाद तक्षशिला विश्वविद्यालय में ही चाणक्य अध्यापन करने लगे। इसी दौर में उत्तर भारत पर अनेक विदेशी आक्रमणकारियों की गिद्धदृष्टि पड़ी, जिनमें सेल्यूकस, सिकंदर आदि प्रमुख हैं। परंतु चाणक्य भारतवर्ष को एकीकृत देखना चाहते थे। इसलिए उन्होंने तक्षशिला में अध्यापन-कार्य छोड़ दिया और राष्ट्रसेवा का व्रत लेकर पाटलिपुत्र आ गए। कुछ लोग सोच सकते हैं कि उनका जीवन-दर्शन प्रतिशोध लेने की प्रेरणा देता है; लेकिन चाणक्य का प्रतिशोध निजी प्रतिशोध न होकर सार्वजनिक प्रतिशोध था। उन्होंने जनता के दुख-दर्द को देखा और स्वयं भोगा था। उसी की फरियाद लेकर वे राजा से मिले थे। घनानंद चूँकि प्रजा का हितैषी नहीं था, इसलिए चाणक्य ने उसे खत्म करने का प्रण किया। उन्होंने ‘चाणक्य नीति’ जैसा नीतियों का एक अनमोल खजाना दुनिया को दिया, जो जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में हमारा मार्गदर्शन करने की क्षमता रखता है।। इस नीतिपरक ग्रंथ में जीवन-सिद्धान्त और जीवन-व्यवहार तथा आदर्श और यथार्थ का बड़ा सुन्दर समन्वय देखने को मिलता है।

About the Author

आचार्य चाणक्य ईसापूर्व 375 - ईसापूर्व 283 चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य के महामंत्री थे। वे 'कौटिल्य' नाम से भी विख्यात हैं। वे तक्षशिला विश्वविद्यालय के आचार्य थे। उन्होने नंदवंश का नाश करके चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य को राजा बनाया। उनके द्वारा रचित अर्थशास्त्र राजनीति, अर्थनीति, कृषि, समाजनीति आदि का महान ग्रंन्थ है। अर्थशास्त्र मौर्यकालीन भारतीय समाज का दर्पण माना जाता है। चाणक्य की मृत्यु को लेकर दो कहानियां संदर्भ में आती है लेकिन दोनों में से कौन सी सच है इसका अभी कोई सार नहीं निकला है। विष्णुपुराण, भागवत आदि पुराणों तथा कथासरित्सागर आदि संस्कृत ग्रंथों में तो चाणक्य का नाम आया ही है, बौद्ध ग्रंथो में भी इसकी कथा बराबर मिलती है। बुद्धघोष की बनाई हुई विनयपिटक की टीका तथा महानाम स्थविर रचित महावंश की टीका में चाणक्य का वृत्तांत दिया हुआ है। चाणक्य तक्षशिला (एक नगर जो रावलपिंडी के पास था) के निवासी थे। इनके जीवन की घटनाओं का विशेष संबंध मौर्य चंद्रगुप्त की राज्यप्राप्ति से है। ये उस समय के एक प्रसिद्ध विद्वान थे, इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं। कहते हैं कि चाणक्य राजसी ठाट-बाट से दूर एक छोटी सी कुटिया में रहते थे।
चाणक्य (Chanakya)
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Rating: 4.4/5

Author: Acharya Chanakya

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Publishing Date: January 21, 2022 ( First edition)

Edition Language: Hindi

Genre: Theory & Philosophy, Historical Fiction, Biographies & Autobiographies

ISBN-10: 9380839391

ISBN-13: 978-9380839394

Pages: 144 (Hard Cover)

Monday, July 25, 2022

Sunderkand by Goswami Tulsidas

Cover Page

Sunderkand, believed to be the most beautiful (Sunder) part of the Ramayana, describes Lord Hanuman's journey to Lanka. This book elucidates Maha Kavi Tulsi Das' new lifestyle, which brings karmic and spiritual knowledge and bhakti (devotion) to one's life. It is even believed that when one reads the Sunderkand, Lord Hanuman himself graces the reader with his presence. Carrying the entire text and explanation of the Sunderkand, Shri Hanuman Chalisa, and Sankatmochan Hanumanashtak, this edition also contains the art of Lord Ganesha, Lord Ram, and Lord Hanuman.

About the Author

Maha Kavi Goswami Tulsidas was one of the greatest bhakti poets of all time. Born in the early sixteenth century, the exact place and time of his birth are unknown. A lot of conjecture has been made about his early life—he had a full set of teeth when he was born, his mother died a day after his birth so his father abandoned him and he even met the god Hanuman. Tulsidas is also believed to be the avatar of Maharishi Valmiki, the writer of the epic, Ramayana. Allegedly, after a fight with his wife, Tulsidas decided to embark on a pilgrimage and began immersing himself in his devotion to god. His epic, Ramcharitamanas, is a work that has had an immense influence on Indian culture and society.

Maha Kavi Goswami Tulsidas

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Rating: 4.7/5

Author: Goswami Tulsidas

Publisher: Fingerprint Publishing

Publishing Date: April 1, 2019

Edition Language: English

Genre: Poetry, Hinduism, Indian Literature, Kavi Ras, Indian Mythology

ISBN-10: 9389053056

ISBN-13: 978-9389053050

Pages: 120 (Paperback)

Monday, July 18, 2022

Brain Games for Clever Kids: Puzzles to Exercise Your Mind by Gareth Moore

                                                                                                                                 Cover Page
A super book for children to enjoy as they puzzle their way through the challenges, which get more complex as they progress through the book. This book is brimming with memory, word and number workouts, codes, battleships and mind-bending spot the differences, as well as Japanese puzzles including hanjie, kakuro, futoshiki, sudoku, and lots more. Conveniently compact for traveling, this book is perfect for bright young enthusiasts and is sure to keep kids engaged and entertained. Let the brain games begin!

Link to buy more books on amazon :

Rating: 4.3/5

Reading Age: 7-11 Years

Author: Gareth Moore

Publisher: Michael O'Mara Books

Publishing Date: 12 September 2016 (Illustrated edition)

Edition Language: English

Genre: Children's Games, Toys & Activities, Children's Crafts, Hobbies & Practical Interests, Children Interactive & Activity Books

ISBN-10: 192208588X

ISBN-13: 978-1780552491

Pages: 192 (Paperback)

Monday, July 11, 2022

Stories of Tenali Raman: Classic Tales

Cover Page

The stories of ingenious Tenali Raman who takes spur-of-the-moment to solve any situation fairly with his mighty wisdom. His stories are full of valuable thoughts and morals that are passing through the generations in India. Fun stories with illustrations keep young minds allured to turn the pages until its finished.  The classics of Indian literature comprehend such short yet meaningful stories with noble thoughts and they are called moral stories. 

Rating: 4.6/5

Reading Age: 4 & up

Publisher: Wonder House Books

Publishing Date: January 1, 2019 (First Edition)

Edition Language: English

Genre: Mythology & Folklore Encyclopedias, Folk Tales, Classic Tales, Witty & Moral Stories

ISBN-10: 938956784X

ISBN-13: 978-9389567847

Pages: 80 (Hardcover)

Friday, July 8, 2022

108 Panchtantra Stories for children

Cover Page

The Panchatantra is a collection of short stories, written more than 5000 years ago by enlightened sages of India. Depicting the five codes of conduct about life, Panchatantra Stories are timeless classics. The stories upskill moral values in children in a subtle and fun manner. Enjoy the stories, where plants and animals can converse with human beings too!  Readers of all age groups enjoy reading and re-reading the Panchatantra Stories as they impart profound wisdom and moral values about the conduct of life through simple narratives. Written in their present form by Pandit Vishnu Sharma, the Panchatantra Stories were narrated to impart worldly wisdom to king Amar shakti's three sons. With these enchanting stories, readers especially kids will love to explore the adventurous worlds of their favorite animal characters and learn life lessons about friendship, courage, honesty, good, evil, deceit, hard work, and integrity.

Link to buy more books on amazon :

Rating: 4.4/5

Publisher: Maple Press (New Edition)

Publishing Date: September 1, 2020

Edition Language: English

Genre: Short Stories, Children's Religion, Children's Picture Books

ISBN-10: 9390292921

ISBN-13: 978-9390292929

Pages: 56 (Paperback)

Monday, July 4, 2022

Grandma's Bag of Stories by Sudha Murthy

Cover Page

Stories and folk tales from our grannies to us while sleeping on their laps on those childhood nights are still enthralling us. Sudha Murty's Grandma’s Bag of Stories is simply delightful. The story starts with Anand, Krishna, Raghu, and Meena arriving at their grandparents’ house in Shiggaon. Overjoyed Ajji and Ajja (Grandmother and grandfather in Kannada) prepare the house, Ajji prepares delicious snacks for the children. Finally, the time come when everyone gathers around Ajji, as she opens her big bag of stories. She tells stories of kings and cheats, princesses and onions, monkeys and mice, and scorpions and hidden treasures. This book is ideal for young children and those who are 5+ in age. Stories are accompanied by colorful illustrations and morals. The lucid and simple language of the book makes reading a pleasure.

About the Author

Active Indian social worker and writer, Sudha Murty was born on 19th August 1950. She writes in two languages: Kannada and English. Sudha started her career in the field of computer science and engineering. She is an active member of the Gate Foundation and the chairperson of a non-profit organization, Infosys Foundation in Karnataka. Credited for founding several orphanages, Sudha has also participated in various rural development efforts, to provide library and computer facilities in all Government schools of Karnataka. One of her many achievements includes establishing the 'The Murty Classical Library of India' at Harvard University. Apart from writing novels, she has also acted in films: Pitruroon (Marathi film) and Prarthana(Kannada film).

Sudha Murthy

For Amazon India

Rating: 4.6/5
Author: Sudha Murthy
Publisher: Penguin Books
Publishing Date:  January 1, 2015
Edition Language: English
Genre: Children's Traditional Stories, Children's Literature & Fiction 
ISBN-10: 0143333623 
ISBN-13: 978-0143333623 
Pages:  176 (Paperback) 

The Four Winds by Kristine Hannah

Original Cover Page (Hardcover) PC: Google Description From the number-one bestselling author of The Nightingale and The Great Alone come...